Gristiren Quality Control Policy

High Quality

High Quality



Food Safety and Quality

At Gristiren Limited, we believe that success depends on the supply of high-quality products, that meet and exceed customer and consumer expectations and requirements of our brand products. Fundamental to this is the responsibility to ensure the quality and food safety of all the products we manufacture and distribute across our markets.

We are committed to continually enhancing the reputation of the brands we produce and distribute, maintaining consumer confidence and trust, in our portfolio through the development and implementation of quality and food safety systems, standards and practices.

All our operations are committed to continuous improvement, which is measured, evaluated and validated for effectiveness through internal and external audits.pp

We believe that the responsibility for achieving quality and food safety commitments lies with every single of our employee, in how they perform their duties and in their relationship with stakeholders. Quality and food safety is the responsibility of every employee including the Management team that has a direct influence on ingredients, manufacturing, packaging, storage and the distribution of our products.

The following quality and food safety principles are the foundation of Gristiren’s Limited commitment to quality and food safety:

  • Manufacture and deliver products that meet the highest quality and food safety standards.
  • Meet all statutory and regulatory requirements for quality and food safety, including mutually agreed customer requirements related to quality and food safety.
  • Ensure a sustainable quality and food safety culture through the implementation, certification and continuous improvement of effective quality and food safety management systems compliant with ISO 22000, IFS and BRC.
  • Validate the effectiveness of the quality and food safety management systems through internal and external auditing processes.
  • Apply a risk assessment methodology, aligned with the context in which we operate, to facilitate our ability to achieve quality and food safety management system objectives and continually improve.
  • Build a quality and food safety capability, mindset and culture through structured programmes that develop employees’ competencies and technical skills, increase awareness, manage risk and drive increasing levels of excellence across our organization.
  • Continually review quality and food safety policies, standards and procedures to effectively manage food safety risks associated with changes in products, processes and technologies.
  • Include quality and food safety strategies in the annual business planning process to ensure that food safety and quality remains an integral part of operations.
  • Set annual measurable quality and food safety objectives for all operations, and at group level, to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with all standards.
  • Ensure that suppliers and contractors embrace the same quality and food safety commitments and monitor the materials and services they supply through audits and incoming raw material inspections.
  • Communicate quality and food safety requirements to suppliers, contractors, customers and consumers and other relevant interested parties.
  • Provide all the necessary resources, including training, in order to increase our employees competence and performance excellence.


Gristiren Limited is committed to the following environmental principles :

  • Comply with current environmental legislation and regulations
  • Make sustainable use of natural resources
  • Promote efficient energy use, the rational use of water and raw materials and recycling practices.
  • Manage waste and emissions in a manner respectful towards the environment and to minimize their generation in our operations.
  • Evaluate the environmental issues arising from our activities and products, both present and future, monitoring them in order to prevent or minimize their effects.


Social Responsibility-Human Rights

We believe that business can only flourish in societies where human rights are protected and respected. We recognize that business has the responsibility to respect human rights and the ability to contribute to positive human rights impacts

All our employees are treated equally and with respect and dignity.

We prohibit discrimination, forced, trafficked and child labour and we are committed to safe and healthy working conditions and the dignity of the individual.

We maintain a healthy work environment for all our employees and associates.

The Quality Management System Policy of Gristiren Limited will be subject to regular reviews by Management in order to ensure that it is suitable at all times and will be distributed throughout all the levels of the organization.